Seguin Fire Department celebrates 140 years of service

24 Aug 2022

News, City of Seguin

Felicia Frazar The Seguin Gazette

The Seguin Fire Department celebrated 140 years of service to the community with a slice of cake and a side of history on Monday.

City officials and community members joined firefighters in celebrating the signing of the fire department’s charter in 1882 with a small ceremony on Monday at Central Fire Station.

“Technically, we are older than 140 years, but 140 years to the day they signed the charter with the state where we were officially recognized as Reliance Company No. 1,” Seguin Fire Chief Dale Skinner said.

When the department started, it had two mottos: Sempre Paratus — Always Prepared — and Depend on Us, both of which the city’s firefighters still live and work by every day, Skinner said.

Once the charter was signed in 1882, the Seguin City Council allocated $100 to get the department officially up and running with a hook and ladder truck, Seguin Mayor Donna Dodgen said while reading a proclamation marking the department’s special anniversary date.

“The Seguin Fire Department was initially named Reliance Hook and Ladder Company and the department’s motto Always Ready, Depend on Us remains today,” she said.

The first fire station was at the corner of Austin and Gonzales streets but in 1908, Seguin City Council used $7,000 to build a new city hall and fire station at the corner of Austin and Mountain streets.

With the ever-growing city and changing technology, a new station was built and the company relocated. Now, the department boasts three fire stations — Central Fire Station at Austin and Elm streets, Station No. 2 on South State Highway 46 and Station No. 3 on North State Highway 123 Bypass at Austin Street — as well as 65 uniformed personnel, Skinner said.

But it won’t stay that way for long as the department is looking to expand, Skinner said.

“We are a very, very busy fire department, especially for one of our size,” he said. “With the projected residents coming to Seguin, the fire department of course is going to grow with it. We have in the works, we’ve talked about fire station 4, fire station 5 not far behind it. It is a very exciting time in Seguin because of the growth within the fire department itself.”

It is the department’s rich history and forethought to preserve it that drew Skinner to Seguin.

“That is one of the things that attracted me as fire chief to come to this town is that traditional history that is rich within this community and in this fire department,” he said. “Today we still have our very first motorized fire truck, a 1916 American La France. We still have our second one, a 1922 American La France, and I still get to drive that thing during parades, and it is awesome. Not many fire departments in the United States can say they have that.”

It’s not just the department’s historical pieces that make it unique, Dodgen said.

“We are well taken care of and we should be proud of that fact,” she said. “It is amazing how far this department has come and how well, (Chief Skinner) manages it and allows everyone to take part and includes the community. He opens these fire stations up for the community to come and look and see what is happening, and participates in things. And it’s great to see how our police and our fire works together to take care of our community. It is very, very unique.”

Skinner, who has served the department for the past 10 years, was joined by current and former Seguin firefighters in celebrating the milestone, including retired Fire Chief Scott MyCue.

“When you plan a party, 140 years for the fire department, you worry if nobody is gong to show up,” he said. “Just to see our local community come out and then to see our retirees, that really did brighten my day, especially to see Chief MyCue. It is pretty cool.”

Dodgen was appreciative of the firefighters — past and present — for all of their years of service.

“Thank you for 140 years of coming to the rescue and providing emergency services to our city and residents,” she said.

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